So Long Summer…


Ever since we signed our 4 year old up for soccer, he has asked when fall is… and my answer is always, “After Labor Day.”

So with Labor Day behind us, I guess I must officially bid farewell to summer.

If I am honest, summer break is one of my favorite parts of homeschooling… we work hard during the school year, but when our curriculum is done mid to late May, we play hard until fall.  And I love it.  Summer is one of my most favorite seasons.

We traveled.

 IMG_2830We had a really good time together.


We spent time with cousins.


And grandparents

nana boattraining camp 2014


We stayed home. 


We swam.


We visited friends.


We camped.


It was all I wanted it to be and more. 


We watched movies… I introduced the girls to two of my favorites, Anne of Green Gables and Little Women.  My oldest son finally got to watch all of the Harry Potter movies, something he’d been waiting 6 months to do since he had finished reading the series. 

We listed to the Chronicles of Narnia on CD.  It was my first time hearing the stories and the kids and I were instantly drawn into the world of Narnia.

Another big part of the summer of 2014 for our family, was making some healthy lifestyle changes.  We changed the way we eat, taking refined sugar and white flour out of our daily diet.  This was a huge adjustment to me as a cook and I spent A LOT of time relearning how and where to shop and how and what to cook for the family.  Scott and I started exercising.  It has been hard work… honestly, the hardest I have EVER worked to get in shape and become healthy, but I can proudly say at 35 I am the strongest I have ever been.  What a fabulous feeling!

What a wonderful summer it was.  Long and fun filled.  Capped off with our 13 year Labor Day tradition of a weekend away with friends who feel more like family…


And now after weeks of deep cleaning, organizing and brainstorming ways to be more efficient and keep on top of our schedule, it is back to the books at the Circus House.  Yesterday was our first day of school at home and to be honest, it had several bumps in the road… This morning was better.  Next week, we are back at the tutorial and fall is official in full swing. 

So long flip flips, bring on pumpkin everything….


  1. I just have to say - you are amazing Crystal! You are the kind of mom I aspire to be. I love your children, I love your honesty, and I love that you always have something you are working towards. I agree, summer is one of my favorite times also. I love watching my kids play hard, use their imaginations, and explore only the subjects they want to explore, before we start the months of "slightly" more structured learning :).

  2. Wow!!! No down time for the most active woman I know. You exhaust me just reading your days. You had an amazing summer. Praying that your new plans for school work well.

  3. Awesome summer. Here's to endings and beginnings :)

  4. You all sure know how to pack it in. I'm so glad you made a million wonderful memories and so glad to be a part of them! We love you buys so much. I pray the fall is just as fun - in different ways. :)


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