My Favorite Tradition

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We got our tree today!!! 


We started decorating the house yesterday, but it wasn’t quite right without the tree.   I don’t think our three year old remembers the Christmas tree b/c after we cut it down and tied it to our van he asked, “Can we keep it in our yard as our Christmas tree?”  He had no idea it would go in the house.  And then when we added lights, he was beyond excited. 

I love, L-O-V-E cutting down our tree.


Apparently, I am not the only one who loves it as smiles were easy to come by this afternoon.




We got home and Scott put the lights on it and then the kids and I decorated it.  I love unwrapping the ornaments.  I love the memories that each one holds and this year I really enjoyed sharing those memories with the kids.  They were so eager to listen. 


When my 9 year old found a IMG_8700little ornament he had cut and drawn on notebook paper in 2009 he said, “Mom, I am sorry I gave you such a lame gift.”  I did my best to explain that that little scrap of notebook paper that he scribbled “I love Mom” on in Kindergarten meant just as much if not more than the shiny glass ornament hanging next to it.  And it is one of my most treasured ornaments.  I remember him making it and wrapping it and giving it to me. 

Though there are no words to express how much I love these kids.  They are among the greatest gifts I’ve been given. 

1 comment:

  1. Always love the posts of the Christmas Tree adventures. Glad to see they all like their Christmas PJs The best part of decorating the tree truly is the memories that the ornaments represent. You should watch "The Christmas Ornament" by Hallmark this year.


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