Back to School!!!


Because our homeschool tutorial meets on a Mon-Thurs schedule and the board doesn’t like to start the year on a partial week, we are THE LAST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD (or so it feels like) to start back to school.  But, today we finally had our turn for the morning poses on the front step.  IMG_6328

Another school year is upon us.  We had an EPIC summer.  One for the record books… and I while I didn’t tackle every project on my summer to do list, we are starting the year off a little more organized than last year.  So, even though I am not ready for the early mornings and the long afternoons… I am ready for a new year.

I can’t believe this is my 5th year of homeschooling!!  That’s right I have a fourth grader now. 


I also have a second grader… sporting the contacts she got this summer.  Definitely a new look for her (and her doll Molly).  She also lost a new tooth this weekend!


And last, but not least, my 1st grader!  She was almost literally bouncing off the walls with excitement this morning… ready to start another school year. IMG_6331

I hope and pray that it is a good year for all of us and that we grow closer to each other and to the Lord as we seek to do this school year well. 


  1. Oh they are all looking so grown up!! Hope they had a great first day!!

  2. Ahhhh! I love it! :) Happy first day circus fam!

  3. Notice the new e-mail address. They all are growing up so fast Look so good Gma,

  4. I enjoy your blog - have been a regular reader for years. ... but what finally got me to leave a comment was curiosity ... was it hard for a 2nd grader to learn to care for contacts, put them in and take them out, etc.? I got mine at age 16, and was intimidated by the process. I'm impressed. :)


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