Heading East!

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After leaving the Badlands, we were Eastward bound and on the homeward stretch.  We planned lots of fun stops for this part of the journey, knowing it was the final stretch and wanting to change it up a bit and keep things fun and exciting.

Our first such stop was in Sioux Falls, SD.  I found a hotel there that had a water slide and a splash pool.  There was also a put put course in town.  After a short 4 and a half hour drive, we arrived at our hotel with plenty of time to play.    I was surprised that even the littlest circus member enjoyed the big water slide.  He went down  all by himself with his floaty and Daddy caught him at the end.  water slide collage

After playing in the pool, we enjoyed pizza in our room and finished watching Wreck it Ralph (the movie we started at our last hotel/pizza night).  Then it was off to put put!



The next morning we woke up and drove another 4 and half hours to Iowa where we stayed with a college friend of ours and his family.  We hadn’t met his wife or son before and they all welcomed us with open arms and the royal treatment.  The kids were delighted to have a new friend to play with.  After introductions, we quickly set off for a walk to the nearby playground followed by a delicious cook out. Then the kids enjoyed playing Legos and Wii together before finishing the evening off with banana splits!!  


As if all that wasn’t wonderful enough, after a great night of sleep, the kids squeezed in some more Lego fun and then we were treated to yummy doughnuts before hitting the road.    I felt completely spoiled! 


We may be on the homeward stretch, but the good times keep on coming!

1 comment:

  1. So glad even the non-park time is great fun. Looking forward to seeing u next week.


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