A Moment in Time

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Yesterday afternoon the girls got their baby dolls and strollers and headed to the court to walk their babies.  I don’t know what it was about that particular moment in time, but it struck a chord in this Momma’s heart and made me all sappy.  IMG_5119

As I watched them pushing their dolls and pretending they were walking to China… with a stop in Tennessee for some Chick-Fil-A, I found myself longing to take in the moment.  I grabbed the camera and was so thankful that they are still little girls.  While they seem to be growing up before my very eyes, they are in fact still 1st and 2nd graders who like to play with baby dolls.  How glad I am for that fact.  And how I long for them to stay that way for awhile. IMG_5124

Then as I snapped pictures and watched them chatting away, I had another thought… “Oh Lord, I prayed, let them be friends forever.”  I hope when they are grown up they will walk their real babies together and chat about life.  I truly hope and pray they are life long friends. 

And just as I found myself all sentimental over that… the timing couldn’t have been more perfect, because they started pushing their babies down the driveway.


And I got a good chuckle as the baby went flying into the ditch!


1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog. It is a lovely place to visit. We lost our beloved dog and I know what you mean about hearing the pitter patter of their feet. There is nothing like the companionship of a love able dog child.




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