She Has Stolen His Heart


I’ve got pictures of all of my kids as babies snuggling up with our beloved dog… I’ve got the classic shots of them getting a big wet slobbery kiss while they giggle with glee.  And Maggie lovingly observing their tummy time activities.

But, of my four children, my youngest is by far the most captivated by our dog.  IMG_9037

He truly loves her.  He excitedly greets her when we come home.  He persistently chases her around our house to give her big squeezes and to beg for wet kisses.   Maggie is by far, the most patient dog I have ever seen.  Hands down.

Here he is watching a show on my phone under the school table, while snuggling with his best bud.


Recently, he’s decided that Maggie must need a blanket and pillow as she sleeps on the floor.  (I love this picture… a boy, his dog, his weapons, and “his” Iphone….)


Here he is “tucking her in” with her blanket and pillow and kissing her goodnight.


See what I mean by patient? I am sure she is quite less than thrilled to be tucked in, but she takes it like a champ.


Until eventually she’s had enough and crawls away…only to be chased down “Oh no!  She needs her pillow Mommy.”  (I promise I intervened after this picture and let Maggie outside for a break from her naptime).


Maggie is getting old.  And she has some nerve issues which are effecting the use of her back legs.  She isn’t in pain, but truthfully, I am not sure how much time we have left with her.   And as those of you who know me well can attest, I am not a dog (or animal) person… but I know that a better, more patient, more family friendly, more low maintenance dog could never be found and so in her final days/weeks/months… I am trying my best to be more patient and loving with her.  Because you see, by stealing the heart of my son, she’s gone and stolen my heart as well.


  1. Well said Crystal, and how precious!

  2. before I read your comment, I was thinking the same thing about the picture with his weapons and Iphone. It could be in a magazine - so cute!

  3. Tears Tears Sniff Sniff Oh such adorable pictures!!!!

  4. Have you seen Marley and Me? I feel like it would be worth a re-watch in light of this post :) I am a dog lover but I love my dog all the more because of how much my kids love her!


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