Falling for Fall


As much as I hate the cold, I really am a 4 seasons kind of girl.  I love the beginning of a new season…. bringing out favorite clothes, decorations, foods, traditions only enjoyed for a season.  It’s refreshing and exciting and makes me so grateful for the climate we live in. 

But, this year, more than most I have been crazy excited about fall.  I can’t explain it.  But, I’m more giddy than normal about pulling out my jeans and boots and sweaters.  I LOVE my fall decorations and am burning my pumpkin spice candle every waking second I am at home. 

Speaking of pumpkin, I seemed to have fully jumped on the pumpkin band wagon this year, which is kinda funny b/c I’m not really that into pumpkin ( I think I like pumpkin spice more than pumpkin itself)… but this year I seem to be a sucker for any pumpkin product… we’ve had pumpkin waffles, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bagels, pumpkin spice marshmallows… and thanks to this thing called PUMPKIN SPICE MILK I found at Aldi’s I’m enjoying pumpkin spiced lates every day at home.  (seriously, that stuff is A-MAZING and I may gone a bit overboard at Aldi’s last night and stocked up on 3 containers of it so I can have lates till November!) 

Last week we enjoyed one of my favorite fall traditions… apple picking!  I love apple picking and this year I think was my favorite year of it.  (of course the bar has been set pretty low the last 2 years…. we had the porta potty incident of 2010 and then the whining/disobedient frustration of 2011—which didn’t make the blog).   So, really it could only go up from the last 2 years. 

And up it went.

The weather was gorgeous.  The kids were agreeable (the KEY most important ingredient for a successful Mom and kid outing).   And every one got to participate this year.  I was all kinds of smiles snapping pics of my little apple pickers. 


Not only did I come home with around 40lbs of apples, but I even got a decent picture of all 4 kids!  What more could a Momma’ heart ask for?IMG_6915


  1. Beautiful day. Terrific pictures. Yummy treats ahead

  2. If only I was up on my blog reading I could have FULLY appreciated the apple crisp you made me the other night. Yum, Crystal! And way to go kids for blessing a mama's heart!


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