Ordinary Miracle

During this stage of the game, sometimes it’s easy to forget there’s a person growing inside me.  Yes, my jeans are fitting more snugly these days and I tend to nod off on the couch each night around 10, but other than that I don’t feel all the different.  And so I go through each day making meals, cleaning up messes, and trying to accomplish lessons, errands, and other excursions and quite often forget that all the while there’s a life growing inside of me.

This morning I was given a chance to take pause and reflect on that little heart beat.  It was my 12 week OB check up and I got to hear the swish swish of my little one’s heart beat.  As soon as she put the monitor over my belly I inhaled a bit and then, there was that precious sound I’ve heard before and yet haven’t.

True, I’ve heard the sound of my baby’s heart beat before.  This is my fourth pregnancy so I recognized that rhythmic swish swish instantly.

And yet, I’ve never heard the sound of THIS BABY’S heart beat before.

Wowsers…there’s a baby in my belly!!.  A real living, heart’s a beating baby taking up space in my uterus.  I am a mother of four!  Sometimes I still can’t wrap my mind around it.

It’s a miracle I don’t want to take for granted.


  1. It truly is a miracle, isn't it? That swish swish is the most precious sound in the world. I heard our swish swish again this morning. It never gets old. I feel like tearing up each time.

    So glad your little one is swish swishing as you head into the second trimester. Have I mentioned just how excited I am that you are pregnant? I am just over the moon for you. Can't wait to see you.

  2. I love that song...and this post. I am still amazed that my girls have ten fingers and toes, that their eyes are in the correct place, and that God trusted them to me. Miracles...each one. Congratulations on hearing that tiny heartbeat. It is a miracle...every time.

  3. Listening to your baby's heartbeat is one of the most precious sounds ever!!!! I cherished it each time I had to go in!!!

  4. you wrote this beautifully and yet so you! my favorite quote is "Wowsers!" I can't to meet the newest member of the family myself. I'm so glad you got to meet him/her this morning.

  5. Awwww. This melted my heart!!! So happy for you and the Circus family!!

  6. Oh, Crystal. You described it so perfectly. It's amazing and untique and wonderful each and every time! I'm SO excited to see you, dear friend. SO excited!

  7. *unique - man, my fingers are moving faster than my brain today. LOL!

  8. Ha ha, gonna have to change that top picture there! :-)

  9. I'm so happy that you had to opportunity to hear your baby's heartbeat. It is a sound that is truly priceless!!

  10. If you get some "down time" I strongly recommend G.K. Chesterton's chapter "The Ethics of Elfland" from his book "Orthodoxy".

    Based on your post, I think you'll appreciate it.

  11. Such a precious miracle! I am so happy for you guys! This new little one is in my prayers.


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