Boy Scout Camp

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The same week our daughter went to gymnastics camp, our oldest son went to his first week away at camp with the Boy Scouts.  I have to say I am so impressed with the Boy Scouts.  Our son has learned so many valuable life skills through his years in Cub Scouts and his months as a Boy Scout.  And I am super thankful for the troop he is in.  There is a great group of guys there, both in his age group, and in the older guys.  The older guys really are wonderful leaders and truly help and take the younger guys under the wings.  It is encouraging to watch.
Boy Scout camp was the perfect environment for him.  A week in the woods, mountain biking everywhere they went, building fires, shooting archery and 22s, and earning two merit badges.  His troop leader was so kind and would email home pictures every day.  I can’t tell you how much it meant to this Momma to see a pic of her boy each day.
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One major accomplishment for our son that week was passing the swim test and earning the swimming merit badge.  This swim test was harder than any he had every taken.  He did not pass it on the first day.  In fact, he had to work most of the week on his swimming skills in order to pass it.  Scott and I leaped for joy when we got the email from his troop leader saying he had passed the swim test!
The merit badge took days and days of hard work and effort.  But, once he passed the swim test he was able to work on the rest of the requirements for his merit badge and he earned the merit badge by the end of the week.
During the evening thunderstorms, the boys all gathered in the cabin for safety.  Here they played chess, battleship, and even learned how to play poker.
At the end of the week, he told me he  missed me, especially my cooking, but he had a wonderful time and can’t wait to return next year.  I know he grew a lot through this experience (as did I). 


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