Spring Break = Cousin Fest


Last week was spring break at the circus.  It was an action packed week full of family fun.  We played lots and lots of games, rode bikes, and the trampoline was pretty much in use non stop. 

We had Aunt Karen and the boys here from Sun night till Tuesday. 


Wednesday we went to Philly and Thursday night my parents and my nieces and nephew came to town till Easter.  My brother joined us on Sat and Scott’s parents came for lunch on Sat and again on Easter for lunch and egg hunt.


It was a blast!  Every time my 3 year old prayed he thanked God that we were all together.  I was thankful too.  Warms my heart to see the cousins playing together. 


  1. What a wonderful way to spend a week off of school and a Blessed Easter to celebrate. Such a great time!!!

  2. It was wonderful to know Aunt Karen and boys were having such a FUN time with you and their cousins. A true Blessing.

  3. We had such a blast with you guys. We always leave wanting more! Thanks for opening your home and being an awesome family. :)


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