Trick or Treat!!


IMG_7344This year it worked out in our schedule to take the kids back to our old neighborhood on the 30th for trick or treating at the shopping plaza there.  This was always a tradition for us, but last year we weren’t able to make it happen.  It was fun to get an extra night of trick or treating in…and to run into some friends. 

Originally, our 3 year old said he wanted to be a choo choo train like last yearNo problem I thought to myself, saves me having to buy one more costume this year.  But, after seeing the firemen on Sunday, he’s been all things fire trucks all week.  Yesterday my oldest son dug out his old fireman costume and the three year old happily wore it all day… even napping in it with his red hat and fire truck by his side on the floor.


When it was time to go trick or treating, he decided he wanted to be a fireman this year instead.  Still no problem for mom, as we were all set costume wise.

This year we had Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, Wonder Woman, Super girl, and “Firetruck Man.”


Most people thought he was Robin Hood when he went out.  At the end of the evening, my 6 year old said, “It doesn’t make any sense why everyone thought you were Robin… you look nothing like Robin.”  Hahaha… she was thinking of Batman and Robin. 


Super girl strikes a pose!


I kept hearing the song from Wonder Woman in my head whenever I looked at her.


Not a fireman, but a “fire truck man”


My beloved super heroes.  I love the way these pictures capture the care free goofy stage of life they are in… Oh, how I pray that these two are best friends forever.


When we got home we watched my favorite Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin and then Daddy helped carve out the last of their jack o lanterns.  Fun, fun times… AND we get to go out again tonight!


  1. Everyone looks great! Happy Halloween!

  2. Just love the costumes but better yet - those smiles!!! Looks like they really had a fun time. Enjoy the treats.


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