Top 10 Things about My Day at Cub Scout Camp


Last week my oldest son went to a week of Cub Scout Day Camp.  This year he was a Webelos 1. I remember vividly his first year when he was but a wee Tiger Scout.    He loves Cub Scout camp.  And who wouldn’t?  8 and a half hours outside each day, fishing, archery, BB guns, wood shop, specials, crafts…

Each parent is required to volunteer one day.  Two years Scott served in this role, last year I went, but it was the last day of camp and I didn’t get to see as much of the action.  This year I wised up and went on Thursday.  Also known as THE BEST DAY OF CAMP!  My youngest was so, so, so excited to go to Cub Scout camp like his brother.  And since I was a volunteer he could spend the day in the tot lot, gaining his own camp experience.  He talked about it all week and he wore his little camp shirt EVERY DAY leading up to it.  The morning of camp he was up at 6 am ready to go to camp with his brother.  By the time I dropped him off with his leader at 8 am, he was looking so tired, I was afraid he’d be too tired to enjoy the day.

But, I had nothing to fear, it lived up to all his expectations.  He had a blast. 

And I did too.

Top 10 things about my day with my boys at Scout camp.

10. Sneaking a peek at my three year old fishing for the first time.  Apparently he caught a turtle!


9. When Poe came for a surprise visit to the camp and my son politely sat on the hill rather than pose for a picture with the Ravens mascot… yea, this Steelers Momma was proud.

8. Learning about Indy race cars from the Baltimore Grand Prix.  Did you know the average pit stop takes 8 seconds?  Seriously, I was impressed.  I learned tons about racing cars.  And being as before that talk, all I knew I learned from the movie Cars… my knowledge grew exponentially.


7.  Learning how to shoot a BB gun.  Granted I never hit the Target.  Not once.  But it was fun to try and to watch my son shoot and HIT the target.

6. Helping my son finish his woodshop craft.  A bug collector.



5. Seeing my boy dirty and tired in the van on the way home.


4. Seeing my little guy follow in the foot steps of his big brother.






3. Getting a hug from my son in public!  My son who won’t even give me a hug goodnight at home in the privacy of his room, gave me a gigantic hug in public in front of a camp full of boys. 



(granted it was after he was soaking wet from being sprayed down by the fire truck) But this Momma will take a hug whenever she can get it!


2. Watching my son shoot at the archery range and earn his very first bulls eye!


1.  Hands down, the best part of my day was the visit to the Snack Shop.  Each camper has $10 of snack bucks to spend all week at the snack shop.  My 9 year old was so excited as he took me to the snack shop and said, “Ok Mom, what do you want me to buy you?”  For real… my heart just melted in a big ol’ puddle right there.


  1. Why am I tearing up?? You have amazing boys. I'm so glad you got to have the perfect day. So proud of your guys. And super impressed with your Boy Scout system there. What a fun day!

  2. I want to say something witty, sensitive, smart and memerable but all I can think of is "This Nana is so proud to call you all family." Thank you for letting me kiddo sit this week for your very active and loving family.


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