On Turning “Free”

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Our littlest man was so, so excited about his third birthday.  I wish there was some way to truly capture his joy and eager anticipation.  He talked about his party daily since his brothers birthday in April.  He’d tell me the date of his birthday and that he was turning “free” and that he wanted a choo choo cake, and a choo choo balloon, and a present, and a party.  Then after his Daddy had his birthday in late May and had to leave to go to a meeting on his birthday, he then would add that he wanted a meeting on his birthday too. 

The night before his party I pulled out the Thomas plates and napkins I had gotten for him.   And let me tell you they were worth every penny I spent on them.  The look of joy and excitement on his face as he pulled out EACH and every one and placed it on the table and showed his Daddy his party stuff was truly priceless.  IMG_0901

This was the first of his birthdays that he really cared about.  The first he looked forward to.  And he was at this perfect stage were he was so, so excited and yet so, so easy to please.  Scott remarked to me the night before his party (after watching him pull out all 32 napkins one by one with total glee) that he (Scott) would be so sad when the party was over, b/c this eager anticipation was just too priceless.  cake

We really kept it simple…we had both sets of grandparents over and 2 families that are close friends of ours.  (of course that still totaled 11 kids).  It was so fun to see the three three year olds running around in the back yard together.  I remember when we were all three carrying those boys in our bellies.  IMG_0963

When it came time for the cake and ice cream he actually sang along with us… the loudest of the bunch.  im three

When I saw this picture that someone snapped of him blowing out his candle, it instantly reminded me of one of my favorite family pictures snapped at the hospital when the kids came to meet him.  Three years later and we are still totally enamored by him. 


Happy Birthday little man!  I can’t believe it’s been three years since you entered the world and made our family complete.  You have brought us so very much joy!

1 comment:

  1. As I was showing this post to Pop we were smiling and laughing as we remembering how excited he was. Then -- the picture of the circus crew all totally involved with the cake cutting and song followed by the -- hospital photo with everyone totally into the newest kiddo. . . Next thing I knew was everything was blurry because my eyes were full of joy tears. I love each one of you so much.


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