A Tearful Goodbye


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This morning we said a very tearful goodbye to our beloved Maggie dog.  She’s been a faithful and loving part of our family for 10 years.   When Scott and I brought her home in March of 2003, she was the center of our little family.  Then she lovingly welcomed, one child after another to the circus fam.  She stood guard under their bassinets and cribs.  She gave them something to look at during tummy time.  She cleaned up the food they threw out of their high chairs.  And she slobbered them with kisses when they pulled, tugged, sat on and squeezed her to death.   I never, not once, worried about her with the kids, though I often worried about the kids with her because I knew she would patiently take whatever they dished out to her.  2) I want a kiss

She loved to sit in the sun on the back deck.  She also loved to run in the snow and in the fields at my parents house.  You never had to worry about her running away.    At our new house, one of her favorite things to do, was sit in the front yard and watch the kids ride their bikes in the street.  She would contently sit in the yard and watch them go back and forth. 

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Thanks Maggie for helping us raise our kids.  Thanks for teaching them to love dogs and not fear them.   Thanks for not begrudging them of the attention and love we poured out on them.  A more patient, easy going, low maintenance dog could never be found.IMG_9170

best buds

You were absolutely, the best baby/toddler dog on the planet.   And we will surely miss you.

For More Maggie love:

Puppy Love


Ode to Maggie circa 2006

Our pathetic vet visit

The Good Listener

Maggie: the cake

She’s Stolen His Heart


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. We have a Corgi named Sadie, she looks just like your precious Maggie. She is 11 years old and I have never worried about her either with my kids. They love her and she thinks she is one of them.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Maggie. She looks like a sweetheart. The pictures are wonderful - and I know the memories are too.

  3. I will pray for you for the loss of your special "family" member....your lives will be forever changed because of the love you all shared with Maggie.

  4. Oh, Maggie, we love you. She was such a sweetie to all of your kids (and mine, too!) What a blessing to have a friend for the kids that was willing to truly BE their friend. The picture of your daughter combing her hair says it all. What dog lets a kid do that?? We are praying for your family through this weekend - especially the kids. This might be one of the hardest things they've had to go through. :(

  5. Dear sweet Maggie will be so sadly missed. She truly was such a part of your family. Her last trip to our home was when she had to ride the tractor wagon with the kids instead of walking along beside them. :-( Keeping all of you in prayer.

  6. I am sorry I am getting around to reading this so late. I know how heartbreaking this has been for all of you. Love and hugs.


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