He Spoils Us


Time and time again our fourth child has blown us away with his easy going, flexible, happy-go-lucky approach to life.  It has made the transition to a family of 6, for this family on-the-go, SO MUCH easier—a fact I am truly, truly grateful for.

This weekend, he really went above and beyond our expectations though.

Not only did he fall asleep in the tent both nights, while the rest of us were out at the camp fire, but he even napped in the tent Saturday morning.  And as if that wasn’t wonderful enough… today we put his pack and play up behind the tent, on the off chance that he’d fall asleep and Scott could tear down the tent and pack up our gear while the rest of us went swimming… fat chance of that actually working we thought, but we figured it was worth a try…IMG_5318

He laid down, outside, in the daylight, and took a 2 hr nap while Scott tore down the tent and packed up the van. 


He truly spoils us!


  1. It was unbelievable! He truly slept like a gem.
    Such fun and a happy baby to top it off.
    He is an amazingly easy going baby

  2. Wow. Can I get one of those??


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