I did it!!!


As I left the house for my second sewing class I eagerly told Scott I’d return with 2 aprons in hand.  I recall him lovingly tried to temper my expectations by suggesting even returning with one would be exciting, but  I blew him off as  ran out the door material, machine, and new sewing scissors in hand. 

I returned 3 hours later having sewed the neck strap for one of my aprons.  (and having cut out the material for the rest of the apron)

hmmmm… perhaps my hubby was on to something with tempered and realistic expectations….

I had high hopes for pressing the seams of the apron during the week and perhaps even working on sewing some straight lines to practice before my next class.  But, I didn’t have any time for such lofty expectations except for the night before class and by the time the kids were in bed that night I really didn’t feel like dragging the sewing machine out.  Sewing is new to me and as of right now it isn’t yet a fun way to relax.  So, I put it off till class the next day. 

Thursday rolled around and  I realized it would be really helpful to at least have my seams pressed down before class.   (Here’s where I have to confess to you that I hate ironing…. it’s that whole disregard for perfection flaw that I have in my character… good enough cuts it for a lot of things… but ironing (and incidentally hanging pictures also) is not one of them.    Knowing this, my husband lovingly told me when we were engaged that he would take on the ironing in our family.  He did this in part b/c he doesn’t mind ironing and was eager to demonstrate love to his wife and in part because he didn’t want to show up for work with huge wrinkles pressed into his dress shirts)  Soooooo…. when we finished dinner on Thursday with15 minutes to spare before I needed to leave for class, I told Scott I needed to iron my apron seams.  He very kindly offered to do it for me and  I LEPT at the offer.   Isn’t he the greatest?

So, material (with seams neatly pressed by my super hubby) machine and sewing scissors in hand, I headed out the door promising the kids that tomorrow morning mommy would show them the apron she made at sewing class. 

I arrive to class on time and super excited about my pressed seams.  I set up my machine and get started while waiting for others to arrive.  I was really going to town sewing my waist strap when one of the instructors came over and asked what I was sewing.  Upon learning that I was sewing them incorrectly, I restarted the strap. 

I must tell you that as I sat at my machine sewing my seams I honestly felt like Lucille Ball or Amelia Bedelia.  My lines were crooked, my thread spun up like a cocoon, and my pace was snail like. 

Before  knew it class was half over and I had quite a bit left to do on my apron.  At this point the teachers called us over to go over the directions for the second apron (it is a different style and will teach us the technique of gathering).  They wanted us to cut out the material in the next 30 minutes for our second apron. 

Feeling a little discouraged at the prospect of abandoning apron number 1, I set off to cut out apron number 2.  They wanted us to try using a rotary cutter and a square ruler.  The teachers were very eager to help and show us how to cut, but I knew if I let them do it for me then there would be no hope of my ever being able to cut out patterns on my own at home.  So I stared and turned and did my best to figure it out, all the while feeling immense pressure b/c others were waiting in line to use the rotary cutter.  Finally, I gave up and sat on the floor with my scissors determined to cut it out the regular way.  It’s one thing for me to hold myself up, but holding up other people with my incompetence was too stressful. 

Sitting on the floor, tired and discouraged with scissors, pattern and material in hand, one of the teachers came over to see if I needed help.  Hmmm… wonder what tipped her off? 

The teachers in this class are the best.  They are encouraging (not one laughed in my face all night and I am sure that was an enormous feat on their part) and realistic.  It looked like my 6 yr old cut out the material.  No problem she told me, I’ll be sewing the ends under anyway.  They eagerly jump in to help where needed so that we can accomplish our goals, but let us do it ourselves so we learn how.  They patiently hold our hands through the entire process instilling confidence as they do it.  I love them!

The end of class rolled around and they gathered us together to demonstrate the technique of gathering for our next apron.  We can either work on it at home or bring it to class to finish in our spare time.  (judging by my snail like pace, I am thinking I better carve out time to work at home b/c I don’t think I’ll have much class time to spare in the coming weeks).

Here I was at the end of my second class with my second apron cut out and having now sewn a total of 3 straps.  I really didn’t want to go home again empty handed.  The teachers volunteered to hang out a bit for those of us that wanted to finish, so I called Scott to see how the baby was doing and if I could stay out later or if he needed me to come home and nurse.  Thankfully the baby was sleeping soundly and Scott was working on the computer so he said to stay and work.

By 10pm I was packing up my machine and proudly wearing my new apron. 


I did it!!!  I honestly couldn’t believe it because so many times that night I thought I’d never finish.  But I did it, and I couldn’t wait to show my kids!  The next morning when I showed it to them, they were so encouraging and excited about Mommy’s accomplishment.  The seams aren’t perfect.  But, it’s done and I did it.  I really needed the satisfaction of completing a project to give me the encouragement to continue.  I’ve tempered my goals for the class.  We have certain projects which we are assigned because they will teach us some basic skills we need to learn to sew.  Then the last 2 classes we get to work on a project of our own choosing.  At my first class I wanted to complete the assigned projects and also make a duvet cover for my bed, curtains for my bathroom, and something for each of my kids and my nephew Eli.  I now realize this is a bit ambitious.  Now, I want to complete the assignments and make something for each of my kids and for my nephew Eli.  If I do nothing else but make the kids each something, I will be more than satisfied.  My kids love and cherish the things their Grandma and Aunt Karen have made for them and I am so excited to give them something that Mommy has made.  Also, seeing my children’s love for their “Aunt Karen blankets”  makes me want to make some “Aunt Crystal” thing for Eli.  It won’t be the beautiful Aunt Karen quilts my kids have, but hopefully he’ll still feel loved and special. 

On Saturday my mom and I went to Jo Ann Fabrics and picked out the material I need for my remaining projects as well as material for the things I want to make Eli and my girls.  I wasn’t able to find what I wanted for my sons, so I will keep looking, but I am so excited about the things I will make in the next few months! 



Here we are using my new apron to bake our traditional “Welcome Fall”  apple pie.


  1. Congratulations! I love your apron! What an accomplishment!

    I've been sewing for years now, but I still have the first pillow I made. It is kind of trapezoid shaped (was supposed to be square) and the stuffing never stays in one of the corners, but I made it!

  2. You go, girl! Your apron is adorable. You've got me inspired to make one now. I wonder how hard iy would be to add a pocket -- I'd like to make one that just covers from the waist down and has a pocket for my cell phone.

  3. Ninja Princess.. the second apron we are making has just what your looking for. Can't yet speak for how hard it is, but I do know that they finished product they showed us looks adorable! I can't wait to make mine. You can do it!!! The hardest part is getting started. :-)

  4. Crystal, this post made me laugh and cry! Laugh because you have such a way of exaggerating your "incompetence", as you put it. And cry, because, well, I can't believe a project for Eli is so high on your list. That just blesses my heart. Whatever it is, he will love it. :)

    And I have been so excited to see your apron - and I was not disappointed! LOVE the fabric you chose. Very "happy" and "you"! Keep up the good work. I suspect, with those great teachers and a few more classes, you'll surprise yourself with your killer sewing skills. :) Can't wait to see more!

  5. Can I say - how super proud I am of you and your accomplishment! I am proud of your persistence. Your apron is so cute, but your beaming smile says even more! I had a great time shopping with you and seeing your excitement swell - and can hardly wait to see your future projects.

  6. YAY CRYSTAL!!! I am so proud of you for sticking with it - you won't be sorry. And your apron looks great - I love the fabric! I can't wait to show this post to Dianne, as I know she can very much relate.

  7. You look great in your apron, and I think you did very well!

  8. such a cute apron- great job! The description of you sitting on the floor resorting to using scissors would totally be me too! I could feel the anxiety of the line behind you as if I was right there :)

  9. Great job Crystal! I am quite impressed :)

  10. GREAT JOB I am proud of you You have started I am proud of you for doing it even with your kids. It will come along don`t push to hard. LOL good one to talk. You know I never made myself an apron YES thats right!!! here is a segestion make the kids a pillow apiece they can sleep with
    Mummy`s pillow.

  11. I am super proud of you for going out of your comfort zone to learn something new!

    What stands out to me most is your thoughtfulness to others. First at the rotary cutter and then with wanting to make things for the special kids in your life. You have such a kind heart above all else!

    I love your apron! It's so pretty and bright! The fabric was a good choice! (That would be the only fun part for me...picking out the fabric.)

    I hope you continue to be encouraged as you learn more!

  12. Yay!! It looks great! I'm so excited!


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