Christmas with Grands and Cousins

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I LOVE hosting Christmas.  And I am so thankful that my extended family allows me that privilege.  I am thankful that they all have been willing and able to come year after year so we could share the day together. I don’t take it for granted.  I know my parents won’t always be able to travel.  I know my BIL and SIL can get stationed so far away that it just doesn’t make a trip to MD possible.  I know life situations can change in the blink of an eye. IMG_2494

And so I am thankful for what we have.  I am thankful that my SIL, BIL, and two nephews came and spent 4 days and 3 nights with us.  I am thankful for the sounds of cousins chasing each other round the house, for cookie decorating, for legos and video games and trampoline time, for Apples to Apples and a giant puzzle.  I am thankful for the mess and the giggles and the time together.






I am thankful for our Christmas Eve candlelight service and the reminder that even though this world is dark and broken, Jesus is the Light of the World and He came to save us and give us hope.  I LOVE Christmas.  I love the entire season from the day after Thanksgiving till New Years, but my favorite part by far is worshipping on Christmas Eve. Here is my crew before heading out the door on Christmas Eve.  Gosh, they are growing up before my eyes.




I am thankful that Christmas morning we started at 7 am with both sets of grandparents here to enjoy the festivities. 

I am also thankful that this year Christmas was on a Sunday and we were able to take some time away from the glorious mess on Christmas morning and spend time to worship our Lord.  Part of me left church wishing Christmas always fell on a Sunday.  A HUGE thank you to the pastors and worship leaders who gave up even more of their family time to prepare to lead their congregations in worship.  It was a gift to us all.

This year we were also treated with a Steelers/Ravens game for Christmas.  Since my love for Steelers football was a gift passed down from my dad, I truly LOVE when we can all watch the game together.  This Christmas found the entire extended family in our basement, cheering and crying and screaming and towel waving and in the end CELEBRATING an intense game of Steelers football.  What a treat! 

I took very little pictures this Christmas… like seriously hardly any. In fact I have zero from Christmas day. Sad smile  But, I did want to stop as I am packing up my Christmas decor today and at least record some of my favorites memories from this year.  Because I am so very thankful for the family God has given me and for the time we got to spend together.


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