Tide Pools

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Since marine life is part of Channel Islands National park, we woke up at 5:30am so we could visit some nearby tide pools while it was low tide.



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The kids didn’t seem to mind too much though, because the promise of seeing “cool things” was all it took to get them up and at it.  Even our late sleeper had a smile on his face.




It was a fun morning climbing on rocks and finding colorful plants and invertebrates. 


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We really wanted to find a starfish.  It took awhile but eventually Scott spotted this little guy for us.  I guess it was small enough the birds hadn’t seen it yet.


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We had bought bagels at the grocery store the night before so we after exploring the tide pool for an hour or so, we sat and enjoyed bagels on the beach while watching some surfers catch the waves.  Then we walked along the beach and Scott and the kids explored a few caves. 








I love this shot.  Scott was trying to get the four of them to pose on a rock when some of them spotted a bigger then expected wave coming their way.  The older two stayed strong but the younger two weren't so sure…






We then headed back to our campsite to pack up.  Scott volunteered to pack the tent up alone while I took the kids to the beach for a little more time splashing in the waves.  The kids enthusiastically agreed.  While there we spotted another sea lion swimming off shore!  Then when Scott joined us he looked out and spotted dolphins swimming off shore!!!  The kids, especially our oldest daughter, were delighted.  I was so thankful because I knew how disappointed they were the night before. What a delightful treat and a great way to end our time at the ocean. 



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